by Dallas O’Brien, Eternity.

Earlier this month, I took myself along to a free course being conducted by Roads & Maritime Services to learn how to service inflatable life jackets.

These courses are regularly held at various locations, and one only has to visit the RMS website in order to book a spot. Lasting less than 45 minutes, the hands-on course showed you how an inflatable life-jacket operates and what is required to ensure it is in proper working order, and to properly complete an annual inspection.

A manufacturer’s checklist for all makes and models (usually available on the internet), was provided, along with spare CO2 cartridges, to enable each participant to replace their cartridge if required.

 I now feel confident and capable to be able to service my own life-jackets each year.

If you do self-service your life-jackets, do remember to keep a record of your completed checklist for safety checks during the audit.

I thoroughly recommend this course to all cruising division members.

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